
You cannot have the Catholic Church without miracles can you?

This tells us that when the "till" comes ("we all attain to the unity of the faith and of Rosetta Stone Spanish
the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood" - Eph. 4:13 ESV) that false doctrine will still be taught but we will no longer be carried about by it.This means we are talking about a time prior to the return of Christ for upon his return false doctrine becomes a thing of the past.So again we prove that miracles, spiritual gifts, etc. are not to last until the return of Christ.They are gone before his return.So again do not let anyone tell you that miracles and spiritual gifts are to last until Christ's return.But, one might object to this argument on the grounds that if this be true then it would also eliminate evangelists, pastors, and teachers.Yes, it wouldthose miraculously qualified to do the work by being the recipient of a spiritual gift.One needs to bear in mind, however, that with the completed revelation of Christ to man one no longer needed spiritual gifts to qualify or enable him for the work.Also beware lest you be led astray thinking that since what is called Christendom today is divided that "the unity of the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God" never arrived.Yes, that has been lost today but that does not mean they never had it say back in 150 A.D. (just using that date as an example).Believe it or not there was a time when things were not like they are today. The unity of the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God and how to obtain to mature spiritual manhood in Christ are found in the pages of the completed New Testament.Outside those pages you can know nothing of or about Christ or of the faith.If you are carried about by false doctrine you need not be.That is what you have a New Testament forso you will not be led into false doctrine and can know the truth (if you really want to know it which is where a lot of the problem liesin the will to accept it in all its teachings).Now what are the implications of miracles having ceased or put another way what are the implications if miracles have ceased?Let me say to start that the implications are so great that some religious bodies will never ever accept it as fact for the simple reason it would destroy them as a religious body.If a religious group's very existence is dependent on the continuation of miracles that is an exceedingly strong incentive to fight for them and argue for them Learn English
and not accept New Testament teaching on the subject.Remember the purpose of miracles was to confirm the word.If you still want the world to believe you are a source of revealed authoritative teaching and preaching, teaching that cannot be found in the pages of the New Testament (emphasis here), received directly from God, then you must have miracles to confirm the word.You cannot have the Catholic Church without miracles can you?If they want to hand down law and claim God's authority for it then they have to have God performing miracles among them.No choice about it. The Catholic Church claims authority and teaches many doctrines that cannot be found in the pages of the New Testament (I think they will agree with me on this).Why should any man believe them?There is only one reasonmiracles.They must make the claim of miracles being performed among them and do their best to get people to believe they are genuine.They will never accept that miracles have ceased.If you are Catholic logic requires that you believe in modern day miracles.The miracles confirm that God is among them approving of them and of their teaching.They must have miracles to maintain their authority.They will have their miracles by hook or crook with no New Testament passages bothering them.One must remember the Catholic Church believes authority resides with them and not solely with the New Testament.They are not willing to accept the New Testament alone as the final authority in religion.Pentecostal groups have a different motivation.As far as I know they have not tried to get humanity to think that God hands down law today through them, law not found in the New Testament, but they have misunderstood the New Testament.Their existence does depend on the continuation of miracles and spiritual gifts.All know this who know anything about them.If miracles have ceased they are left high and dry, out in the cold, and have taught false doctrine.They must fight against what has been taught in this article.If miracles have ceased, as I have been teaching, then where does that leave Pentecostalism?If spiritual gifts and miracles still abound in the church today (as Pentecostals believe) then what does that imply about churches that do not believe in those things and make no claim to have them?A Pentecostal would have a hard task ahead of him, if he was to be consistent in his teaching, to make any claim that a church that did not have and exercise these rosetta stone online
gifts was Christian.He would really have to deny it if he was to be logical and consistent in his teaching.I add, however, I make no claim for logic or consistency in what passes for Christianity in today's denominational world.I do know, however, about necessary implications. One must remember that doctrine does not exist in a vacuum.Every doctrine has implications.As we all from time to time examine our beliefs we would do well to see where our thinking leads.We must accept the implications for we really have no choice unless we are to throw all logic and reason out the window.

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