More and more parents are pulling their children from public and private schools to educate them themselves. The reasons vary from religious values to being tired of over crowded public school system that is trying to produce cookie cutter results. The reasons are as varied as the families. For many this seemingly daunting task becomes an epiphany of self education as well. It is a life long journey of self discovery, adventure and pure joy as you watch your children blossom and develop. There are as many styles of home schooling as their families that are doing it. Many choose a traditional, classic way of teaching their children. Purchasing and or creating curriculum and setting schedules and dead lines. There are subject experts that many will use as an example to set up their educational program such Charlotte Mason. Many have chosen a realatively new method referred to as unschooling. This is a living aproach to educating your child(ren). Using their environment and world around them as the classroom. This is more of a lifestyle that allows children to explore and absorb knowledge naturally. Whatever the reason or method the growing number causes Rosetta Stone some concerns for the public school system. While some states make it realatively easy to home schools others fear releasing the education of children to their parents. One of the many arguments for homeschooling is that parents know their children better than their teachers and other education professional do. Parents can created a positive learning environment with one on one education and personalized curriculums. Colleges and universities are accomadating these larger numbers of home schoolers, realizing that many may not have sat for standard testing that they require. Children who have been home schooled tend to excel in higher education more so than children who have been through the public school system. Their education has been broader and they do not feel the need to treat college as an escape. They value their education as it has been part of their life as a whole, not just a portion of their day spent away from family and rushing from class to class.Families sometimes struggle with the decision to home school. They worry about their children learning the "right" things and socialization. Children are natural learners, every thing is new for them, and each child learns differently. Home schooling provides the atmosphere and tools for life long learning skills. Socialization does not have to be limited to a classroom of their peers.
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