
focusing on that to calm myself.

Bella loved things she shouldn't.

"Do you think there's any chance she'll make it? I mean, as a vampire and all that. She told me about...

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about Esme."

Tel say there's an even chance at this point," he answered quietly. "I've seen vampire venom work
miracles, but there are conditions that even venom cannot overcome. Her heart is working too hard now;
if it should fail... there won't be anything for me to do."

Bella's heartbeat throbbed and faltered, giving an agonizing emphasis to his words. Rosetta Stone Korean

Maybe the planet had started turning backward. Maybe that would explain how everything was the
opposite of what it had been yesterday—how I could be hoping for what had once seemed like the very
worst thing in the world.

"What is that thing doing to her?" I whispered. "She was so much worse last night. I saw... the tubes and
all that. Through the window."

"The fetus isn't compatible with her body. Too strong, for one thing, but she could probably endure that
for a while. The bigger problem is that it won't allow her to get the sustenance she needs. Her body is
rejecting every form of nutrition. I'm trying to feed her intravenously, but she's just not absorbing it. Rosetta Stone

Everything about her condition is accelerated. I'm watching her—and not just her, but the fetus as
well—starve to death by the hour. I can't stop it and I can't slow it down. I can't figure out what it
wants" His weary voice broke at the end.

I felt the same way I had yesterday, when I'd seen the black stains across her stomach—furious, and a
little crazy.

I clenched my hands into fists to control the shaking. I hated the thing that was hurting her. It wasn't
enough for the monster to beat her from the inside out. No, it was starving her, too. Probably just looking
for something to sink its teeth into—a throat to suck dry. Since it wasn't big enough to kill anyone else
yet, it settled for sucking Bella's life from her.

I could tell them exactly what it wanted: death and blood, blood and death. Rosetta Stone Portuguese

My skin was all hot and prickly. I breathed slowly in and out, focusing on that to calm myself.

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