
Are our doctors and nurses not the best on the planet?

Where Havanna once glistened with capitalist toys and dirty Jew money we now have more modest displays providing only what we should use and no more. There is no need for groaning shelves of food and useless consumer items! We have enough food basic food to sustain our bodies and nurture our hearts and minds. Did not Christ himself survive on little?! We have enough modern conveniences to make us productive and efficient but not wasteful. Unlike the dirty, polluting, environment hating Yanquis, we in Cuba cherish our bond with nature. Like our forbears in misty times gone by, we live in harmony with our surroundings. Here in Cuba we are not rapacious out of control spoilt consumerists. We are spiritual and aware humans not egotistical, lying individualists! We are my friends, simply superior in our equal society! Look further at the colossal achievements we have made in medicine, education and sports. Is not Cuban socialist health care the envy of the world? Are our doctors and nurses not the best on the planet? Is our system not the most equal, the most socialized and the most accessible? Are not our schools the glory of the world? Are not Cuban students the highest achievers in the world in any subject? Are not Cubans renowned for their intelligence? Likewise in sports we reign supreme in baseball; boxing and track and field able to vanquish the fat, insipid Westerners, drunk on their mindless entertainment and leisurely nonsense as we Cubans stay fit, trim and elegant. Are we not the best athletes in any of our chosen sports? Of course we are! Dear comrades it is obvious Rosetta Stone Arabic that we have the greatest system and country in the world. Everyone the world over remarks on how wonderful and great is our country. When I speak to world leaders my friends, they always remark on how lucky I am to live in Cuba and to lead the world's best people. You hear these sentiments on our state owned television about how we are the best, the proudest and the most intelligent! These statements are nothing but the truth comrades! Would I, your dear leader, your supreme father, whose tears wet his pillow each night as he lays weeping in anxiety over his people, lie to my lovely children? Of course not! When I and the Cuban state speak, we only speak reality and truth comrades! To close my dear friends I want to say the following. When my physical body passes on to the next world, my spirit will live on. Together our great country, in alliance with the greatest liberator in Latin America Hugo Chavez of Venezuela, will destroy the capitalist system and enact Christ's real vision on earth a communal utopia of loving socialists! We will prevail comrades because that is God's will and I, as an agent of God and of history, would never lie to you! America the corrupt capitalist-fascist state that it is, will fall to our communist warriors of spirit, love and community! We will reign supreme comrades! May love go with you my communist friends. Your loving Father.

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